Commonly relationships are meant to bring happiness, but, they are sources of sadness in some cases. In a healthy relationship, everything works out well, although there might be disagreements from time to time, which you discuss together and move on.
In toxic relationships, on the other hand, you consistently feel drained and unhappy. Though you might still love your partner, a toxic relationship is never enjoyable. In most cases, you always find fault in each other and argue over minor issues.
Below are some signs of toxicity in a relationship.
- Dishonesty
A toxic relationship is built on lies. The most common is lies about your whereabouts and who you were with. This usually happens because you’re trying to avoid spending time with your partner.
- Disrespect
Disrespect among partners is another sign that you should look out for. In a toxic relationship, you will find that your partner has behaviors like walking out while you’re trying to have a conversation or even being rude to you, which is a red flag.
- Lack of support
In a healthy relationship, partners always work towards the same goal to succeed. However, in toxic relationships, partners are always competing against each other. In such an affair, you find it challenging to spend time together without support or encouragement.
- Jealousy
It is okay to be jealous of your partner sometimes, but there are times when it can become an issue. It may reach a point where you can only think negatively about your partner’s success. Jealousy leads to mistrust and unnecessary competition against each other.
- Controlling Behavior
Some partners tend to be very controlling, which may seem like love and care, but this is a sign of toxicity. There are instances where your partners keep asking where you are and what you are doing. In such a relationship, you find that they become irritated or even annoyed if you don’t answer these questions. This might cause abuse or violence in a relationship.
- Ignoring your needs
When your partner constantly ignores your needs, you should be concerned as this is a sign of toxicity. You might find that your partner always makes plans without consulting you, requiring you to go by their plans without even considering your wish. If you disagree with what they need, a fight ensues.
This is a sign of a toxic relationship.
- Not taking responsibility
This is another common trait but often neglected trait of a toxic relationship. You might find that your significant other doesn’t take responsibility for even the simplest things in the house. A poignant example would be not keeping something, let’s say, shoes where they are supposed to be. It might even lead to a fight if you ask why they are doing so.
There are very many signs to look out for in a toxic relationship. Please note that such relationships may cause harm to you or even your partner, and in some extreme cases, it may lead to fatalities as well. Also, the longer you stay in such a relationship, the harder it becomes for you to get out of it. So, walk away as soon as you notice the above signs. It’s never too late to start a new and healthy relationship.