How To Handle Disagreements in A Relationship

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Romance | 12 comments

In today’s dating world, many separation cases are caused by disagreements in a relationship. However, people don’t understand that relationship is a commitment. Well, they fall in love and think they will live happily forever but don’t foresee any falling out.

In this post, we shall discuss ways of handling disagreements in a relationship with a focus on saving it.

  1. Examine your focus

The first thing you should consider when handling disagreements is examining your focus. Relationships become dangerous when defending yourself from any attack other than trying to solve the actual problem. However, you should always try as much as possible to keep your objectives as to why you are in a relationship.

For instance, if your objective was to build a passionate relationship, then stick to that. This is because energy flows when you focus on building a healthy relationship.

  1. Effective Communication

Effective communication is another aspect employed when handling disagreements. Spouses must be ready to communicate proactively and efficaciously. As a man, would you like your spouse to raise her voice when speaking to you? Of course not, then why should you raise your voice too when speaking to her? It isn’t right.

Moreover, the aspect of turn-taking should be employed when in disagreement. The man should first listen before talking and vice versa. Just imagine a scenario where both parties are not taking turns when speaking. Who will listen? No one. Therefore, it is always advisable to adopt turn-taking skills when communicating to avoid more drama.

  1. Let the conflict be an opportunity

Turning the conflict into an opportunity also assumes great significance. Just in case there are disagreements between couples, neither of the parties should consider winning. This is because love isn’t a competition between spouses. As a partner, always desire to shower your spouse with love. Unfortunately, in today`s world, spouses tend to make their partners jealous and weak.

Furthermore, disagreements should be seen as an opportunity to value your partner`s differences. Think of it, what if we all think the same in all aspects? Would it be healthy? Well, in that case, through the differences, spouses should even love their partners deeper.

  1. Use of humorous language

As the saying goes, all days are not the same. Therefore, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you disagree with your spouse, it is always advisable to use humorous language. This is because it cools down the tension between parties. Surprisingly, it makes the parties in disagreement focus on their objectives or why they are in a relationship.

You can also play and sing a song to make your partner laugh. By doing so, you will have created a conducive environment for common reasoning.

  1. Asking favourable questions

Asking the right questions is also among the most considered factors when solving conflicts among spouses. As a man or woman, the onus is on you to ask the right questions. Never dig so much into your past. You should always focus on building your future.

To avoid asking the wrong questions, you should let your partner have a clue about what you like and what you don’t. Let her know what annoys you and what makes you happy. That way, you will are almost guaranteed to have a loving, passionate relationship.

Take the initiative and solve that disagreement today!

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  1. Andrew

    Insightful tips! I’m going to use this tips in my relationship ❤️

    • Jonathan Kimba

      I hope these tips will help you to solve the disagreements in your relationship.

  2. Mary

    Wooow this is very nice read I enjoyed it

  3. Darren Holland

    Some good advice from Jonathan. A wise head on young shoulders

  4. Oredi

    Amazing work as usual, keep it up. Hope to see a lot more from you. Amazing once again!!

  5. Chelsy

    Really nice work

  6. Fatima


    • Cindy

      Keep the good work on different topics.

    • Cindy

      Keep the good work on different topics

  7. Marshall

    Beautiful blog and keep up the work . I really enjoyed reading your books

  8. Prince

    Such an authentic story teller

  9. Posh

    Literally the best novel I’ve read I’m so impressed ❤️❤️


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